Page 13 - Are-You-a-Model?
P. 13

 15:30 Anna Luise Schubert Technical University of Darmstadt
On their material production
Exploring the space between a model's production and its reception, the story of its becoming remains often obscure; similarly, its material
logic, the nuts and bolts and undersides remain craftfully out
of sight. Whether built in large model workshops within architecture offices or through external contractors, by skilled experts or laypeople, we want to assess the conditions under which models are produced, be it as video game, competition entry, or 1:1 mock-up by investigating the process of model making,
its tools and its actors.
15:45 Matthew Wells University of Manchester
Object, manual, material, collection
In 1895 a hand-crafted architectural model of a house was placed on display by Edward Schroed- er Prior at the Royal Academy exhibition in London. Prior’s clay model was the first on display for the first time in 21 years. Although ‘rough in appearance’, the architectural press described how it was ‘revo- lutionary in its tendencies’. 300,000 visitors visited the exhibition, major architectural journals received hundreds of letters about it, and Prior clarified his ideas in a theoretical essay titled ‘Architectural Modelling’. Why did this all happen? And what can it tell us about architectural practice at the turn of the 20th century? To address these questions this paper will employ Prior’s clay model to examine how architectural models were made, used, and conceptualised throughout the 19th century. Focus- ing on London, the paper will study the activities of individual agents and organisations through objects, documents, and materials to contextualise the topic, using them to draw connections between British and German-speaking architectural cultures.
15:30 – 17:30
2 Who made me?
     Anna Luise Schubert is an architectural researcher, curator and filmmaker. She is a board member of the Centre for Doc- umentary Architecture, with which she co-conceived its online archive project, organised the exhibition series “The Matter of Data” and worked on internationally presented films such as the 8-screen video installation “Deep White” (35min, 2019). She works currently as a research associate at the Chair of Architectural Theory and Science at TU Darmstadt.
Matthew Wells is lecturer in Architectural History at University of Manchester and member of the Manchester Architecture Research Group (MARG). His research uses architecture and visual culture to examine society, institutions, and individuals in the long nineteenth century. Wells is the author of two mon- ographs Modelling the Metropolis: The Architectural Model in Victorian London (gta Verlag, 2022) and Survey: Architecture Iconographies (Park Books, 2021).

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