Page 30 - Are-You-a-Model?
P. 30
9:00 Chris Dähne Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and Technical University of Darmstadt
Andreas Noback Technical University of Darmstadt
Introduction: On digital twins and simulation processes
In architecture, models – whether physical or virtual – assume the role of a manipulable “twin”. They allow us to experimentally test
real requirements and conditions. They are woven into dynamic
interrelationships between the physical (real) and the modeled (digital), which raise the question of what exactly happens when, for example, a digital model experiences the materialization of its data, or vice versa. The session focuses on heterogeneous models—within the paradigm of integrative design and digital process chains—that simulate not only the design of the building itself, but also its environment, its carbon footprint, and its robotic assembly line.
Chris Dähne researches the history and theory of architec- ture, media, and computation. She is researcher in the LOEWE Research Cluster “Architectures of Order. Practices and Dis- courses between Design and Knowledge” at Goethe Univer- sity Frankfurt a. M. and in the DFG project BAUdigital at TU Darmstadt. Forthcoming is her book Utopia Computer. The New in Architecture? (with Nathalie Bredella and Frederike Lausch).
Andreas Noback: Architectural studies at Technical University of Darmstadt 1993–2002. Afterwards Lead of IT at the faculty of architecture. Senior Research Associate at Lucern Univer- sity of Applied Science and Arts 2014 – 2018. PhD 2020. Since 2020 work for the specialised information service BAUdigital and since 2021 Postdoc at the department for classical ar- chaeology at Technical University of Darmstadt.
9:15 Gabriele Gramelsberger RWTH Aachen
Digital twin, metaverse and computerbased simulation
Modeling and simulation in science are used to conceive and project possible futures based on today’s behavior. In times of climate change mod- elling in climate science, urban planning, economic development and in many more disciplines become existential views into possible futures. Thus, model projections can become prototypes of possible fu- tures-comparable to architectural planning as pro- totypes support learning and communication about alternative styles, features, and patterns. The paper explores this analogy between scientific models and architectural planning practices.
9:00 – 11:00
7 Do we look alike?
Gabriele Gramelsberger is professor for theory of science and technology at the RWTH Aachen University. She studies the transformation of science into computational sciences. She is director of the Käte Hamburger Kolleg “Cultures of Research”, an International Center for Advanced Studies in Philosophy, Sociology, and History of Science and Technology funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.