Page 7 - Are-You-a-Model?
P. 7
15:05 Giulia Amoresano University of California, Los Angeles Christina Moushoul Princeton University
From site to set: The multi-scalar effect of architectural models in crafting gender and sexuality in postwar Italy
15:25 Mara Trübenbach Oslo School of Architecture & Design Sculptural puzzles. A conversation essay about model making, rituals and material
literacy in architecture
15:45 Discussion 16:10 Coffee break
16:40 – 18:40 6 Am I the real thing?
9:55 Baris Wenzel Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences Digitally recreating the Mannheim Multihalle model – Exploring the simulation of physical
form-finding in the tradition of Frei Otto
10:15 Carolin Höfler
Models in reality: Computation and
simulation in architecture
10:35 Discussion 11:00 Coffee break
TH Köln
11:30 – 13:10 8 Where are you going?
Introduction 16:55
17:35 17:55
18:15 18:40
Christiane Fülscher
Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts
On copies and casts
Diana Cristobal Olave Princeton University One-to-one scale: Witnessing the Walker Art Center’s Idea Houses I and II (1941 – 1947)
Ana Carolina Pellegrini
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Unstuck architectures: When the building becomes a model
Wonseok Chae Bergische Universität Wuppertal The modeling grammar of the real
Simona Valeriani
Victoria & Albert Museum and Royal College of Art
Studying, copying, making, sharing. Multiple approaches to an historical model.
Discussion Break
11:30 Introduction
12:05 12:25
12:45 13:10
Nadja Gaudillière-Jami Technical University of Darmstadt On models in future practice
Andreas Pilot Technical University of Darmstadt Built together! Digital models and teaching teamplay
Salome Schepers The mock-up
ETH Zürich
Beth Hughes & Adrian Lahoud Royal College of Art Set and setting: Architecture and the rehearsal of sense
Discussion Lunch break
14:30 – 16:10
9 What can you learn from me?
19:30 – 21:00 ○· Eveningtalk
with Thomas Demand [online], Annabel Jane Wharton &
Introduction 14:45
15:05 15:25
15:45 16:10
Christina Clausen
LOEWE Research Cluster “Architectures of Order”
On model didactics
Kelly Joan Whitmer Sewanee: The University of the South Games, models and projects in pedagocical praxis, c. 1650 – 1750
Alberto Calderoni University of Naples What we have learned, so far
Holger Zaunstöck Francke Foundations Halle What am I, actually? The model of the Halle orphanage (1719/20)
Anna-Maria Meister
Friday 8:30
Discussion Coffee break
9:00 – 11:00 7 Do we look alike?
16:30 – 17:00
Closing remarks
9:00 Chris Dähne Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and Technical University of Darmstadt & Andreas Noback Technical University of Darmstadt
Introduction On digital multiples twins and simulation processes
9:15 Gabriele Gramelsberger RWTH Aachen Digital twin, metaverse and computerbased
9:35 Yana Boeva University of Stuttgart
The model multiple: On approximation work in digital models and twins